Ibiza Horse



Ibiza Horse Valley – the horse sanctuary in Ibiza

Ibiza Horse Valley was created in 2010 to save horses from abandonment or mistreatment. The purpose of this incredible place is to bring them together and give the necessary time for each one to reestablish their natural behavior and find their social rank as a purpose.

Once the entire process is complete, if the horse is physically capable of being well, they give it the opportunity to re-enter the world of horsemanship.

Ibiza Valley Horse


Giving horses a new chance

The objective of Ibiza Horse Valley is to be able to give a new chance in life and to be able to trust again in their natural adaptation in what can often be a long process and demand many funds.

Ibiza horse valley


Sanctuary in the north of Ibiza

Ibiza Horse Valley is a sanctuary located in a canyon, occupying 40 hectares in the north of the island in the natural park of Es Murta. The horses live in semi-freedom, in a cavalry being the same way they live in their natural habitat.

Ibiza Horse Valley


Map of Ibiza Horse Valley


Information about Ibiza Horse Valley

The best hotel deals near Ibiza Horse Valley



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