


Els Amunts natural area – the mountains and forests of Ibiza

In the north of the Ibizan coast lies the mountainous area of Els Amunts, a natural area that preserves the landscape, architecture and traditional customs of the island of Ibiza.

Els Amunts is a mountainous area with heights of 400 meters that runs along the entire coast, where you can enjoy its lush forests and extensive areas of clayey soil used to grow almond or carob trees and see beautiful coves such as Cala d ‘Aubarca, which hides a source of fresh water between its rocks or offshore some islets such as Morada and Margalides.


Cultural appeal

Els Amunts has a cultural and patrimonial attraction that forms small nuclei with traditional architecture and the white of the houses that blend into a unique landscape. In addition, you will be able to delve into history within its forests and coasts where there are remains of old fortifications of the Spanish army.


Vegetation and fauna

Inland areas you can find wooded areas of pine, juniper, rosemary, juniper, modroño and palm hearts. The fauna in Els Amunts has rocky walls of the coast with nesting sites for species such as the peregrine and Eleonoro falcon. In addition, specimens such as the goldfinch, owl or miro inhabit the forests.

Els Amunts Ibiza



Hiking is one of the most acclaimed activities in Els Amunts, as it is a wide network of paths that run through the inland forests connecting its different towns and coastal areas such as coves or cliffs. Els Amunts is located in the municipalities of Sant Joan de Labritja and Sant Antoni de Portmany.


Map of Els Amunts

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