Cala Es Portixol




Es Portitxol is a very isolated cove, completely away from the routes that tourists take on holiday in Ibiza. It is preceded by a narrow entrance of cliffs and surrounded by slopes and a dense pine forest.

It’s only frequented by the fishermen of the two dozen boathouses that swarm on both banks of the shore, as well as adventurous travelers, willing to walk to find picturesque corners.

Cala Portixol, Ibiza


  • Length: 80m
  • Width: 5m

Restaurants and bars

We advise you that to go to this cove it will be necessary to go with your food and drink if your idea is to stay in this paradisiacal cove.

Cala Portixol Ibiza

Map of Cala Es Portixol

Activities near Cala Portixol Beach

Cala Portixol

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